Modeling Whiskey and Tequila Maturation

A multi-year effort has culminated in the creation of a one-of-a-kind model that simulates the whiskey maturation process. This novel model can simulate barrels in three-dimensions including the staves, whiskey, and air gap. Inclusion of evaporation and esterification allow the prediction of whiskey maturation over years in a matter of minutes on a desktop computer. Just recently, the model was extended into simulating the tequila maturation process.

Please check out this short 7-minute video:

Barrels on different floors in a rickhouse can be simulated to understand how the proof changes along with the flavor profile.
Rickhouse Whiskey Modeling

Work by Mejia Diaz et al. provides GC-MS data for rested (3 mo.), aged (12 mo.), and very aged (36 mo.) tequila. After assuming an end date for ageing and grabbing weather data from Guadalajara, Mexico, I enhanced my chemistry model to account for leaching, diffusive, and kinetic influences that can occur during maturation. A bit of optimization of the chemistry constants and my model can predict the concentrations of the analytes within the ranges presented.
Aged Tequila Modeling

More information about the model is available in three White Papers:

If you, or your company is interested in collaborations, please contact me at depcik at ku dot edu or connect with me on LinkedIn.